Summary: In a city plagued by a strange rise in fires, fireman Vithal and his policeman brother-in-law Samit reluctantly team up to solve the escalating crisis. Battling personal conflicts, they race... Read all
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Hindi
Movie Info:
👉 IMDb Rating:- N/A Movie Name: Agni Language: Hindi Released Year: 2024 Quality: 480p || 720p || 1080p – WEB-DL Size: 430MB || 910MB || 2.1GB / 7.3GB Format: MKV
: Movie synopsis/PLOT :
In a city plagued by a strange rise in fires, fireman Vithal and his policeman brother-in-law Samit reluctantly team up to solve the escalating crisis. Battling personal conflicts, they race against time to crack the case and save Mumbai.
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