Summary: Follows Guntur Karam, the king of the underworld of Guntur city, as he falls in love with a journalist working to expose the illegal activities in the city.
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Telugu
Movie Info:
IMDb Rating:- 7.9/10 Movie Name: Guntur Kaaram Language: Hindi HQ Dubbed Released Year: 2024 Quality: 480p || 720p || 1080p â CAMRip Size: 550MB || 1.4GB || 3.5GB Format: MKV
: Movie synopsis/PLOT :
Follows Guntur Karam, the king of the underworld of Guntur city, as he falls in love with a journalist working to expose the illegal activities in the city.
Guntur Kaaram (2024) Hindi HQ Dubbed V2-CAMRip 480p [550MB]