Summary: When Maddy and Aneri find themselves sharing a home, things get chaotic . With Mint and Jigar joining the mix, their journey becomes a whirl wind of unpredictable adventures and camaraderie.
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Kannada, Bengali, Tamil
Series Info:
👉 IMDb Rating:- 9.3/10 Series Name: Jab Mila Tu Season: 1 Episode: 24 Added Language:Hindi [Audio] Released Year: January, 2024 Zip Size: 5.2GB || 18GB Episode Size: 250MB || 800MB – Each Episodes Quality: 720p || 1080p – WEB-DL Format: MKV
When Maddy and Aneri find themselves sharing a home, things get chaotic . With Mint and Jigar joining the mix, their journey becomes a whirl wind of unpredictable adventures and camaraderie.