Summary: The gripping saga of a police officer and his team, their challenging journey to nab a criminal gang across the country. Further, it shows how he leads his team towards triumph, amidst profe... Read all
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil
Movie Info:
IMDb Rating:- 8.4/10 Movie Name: Kannur Squad Language: Hindi Released Year: 2023 Quality: 480p || 720p || 1080p – WEB-DL Size: 500MB || 1GB/1.3GB || 3.1GB/4.7GB Format: MKV
: Movie synopsis/PLOT :
The gripping saga of a police officer and his team, their challenging journey to nab a criminal gang across the country. Further, it shows how he leads his team towards triumph, amidst professional uncertainties in this gripping drama.