Summary: In a crime-infested town, Kannan bhai and his gang are the reigning powers. To combat this reign and seek revenge, Inspector Shahul tactfully plots the return of the 'King', leading to a tra... Read all
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Malayalam
Movie Info:
👉 IMDb Rating:- 6.2/10 Movie Name: King of Kotha Language: Hindi Dubbed (ORG) Released Year: 2023 Quality: 480p || 720p || 1080p – WEB-DL Size: 450MB || 1.2GB || 2.2GB / 5.1GB Format: MKV
: Movie synopsis/PLOT :
King of Kotha – In a crime-infested town, Kannan bhai and his gang are the reigning powers. To combat this reign and seek revenge, Inspector Shahul tactfully plots the return of the ‘King’, leading to a transformative turn of events.
King of Kotha (2023) Hindi ORG. 480p WEB-DL [450MB]
King of Kotha (2023) Hindi ORG. 720p WEB-DL 10Bit HEVC x265 [950MB]
King of Kotha (2023) Hindi ORG. 720p WEB-DL x264 [1.2GB]
King of Kotha (2023) Hindi ORG. 1080p 10bit WEB-DL x265 [2.4GB]
King of Kotha (2023) Hindi ORG. 1080p WEB-DL DD 5.1 x264 [3.3GB]