Summary: An unemployed young man named Aalparambil Gopi is compelled to embark on a journey away from his home. This unplanned trip ultimately changes the course of his life in a remarkable way.
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Malayalam
Movie Info:
👉 IMDb Rating:- 6.1/10 Movie Name: Malayalee from India Language: Dual Audio [Hindi (ORG 5.1) & Malayalam] Released Year: 2024 Quality: 480p || 720p || 1080p – WEB-DL Size: 550MB || 1.5GB || 3GB Format: MKV
: Movie synopsis/PLOT :
An unemployed young man named Aalparambil Gopi is compelled to embark on a journey away from his home. This unplanned trip ultimately changes the course of his life in a remarkable way.
Malayalee from India (2024) [Hindi & Malayalam] WEB-DL 480p [550MB]
Malayalee from India (2024) [Hindi & Malayalam] WEB-DL 720p HEVC [1GB]
Malayalee from India (2024) [Hindi & Malayalam] WEB-DL 720p [1.5GB]
Malayalee from India (2024) [Hindi & Malayalam] WEB-DL 1080p [3GB]