Summary: It is an intriguing thriller based on Organ Mafia. My Name Is Shruthi stands apart as it deals with skin mafia, which is first of its kind movie which gives audience a new experience with a ... Read all
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil
Movie Info:
IMDb Rating:- 6.6/10 Movie Name: My Name Is Shruthi Release Year: 2023 Language: Dual Audio [Hindi ORG. 5.1 + Telugu] Subtitles: Yes (English) Size: 450MB || 750MB/1.2GB || 2.6GB Quality: 480p || 720p || 1080p – Blu-Ray Format: MKV
: Movie synopsis/PLOT :
It is an intriguing thriller based on Organ Mafia. My Name Is Shruthi stands apart as it deals with skin mafia, which is first of its kind movie which gives audience a new experience with a gripping thriller.
My Name Is Shruthi (2023) [Hindi + Telugu] WeB-DL 480p x264 [450MB]
My Name Is Shruthi (2023) [Hindi + Telugu] WeB-DL 720p HEVC x265 [750MB]
My Name Is Shruthi (2023) [Hindi + Telugu] WeB-DL 720p x264 [1.2GB]
My Name Is Shruthi (2023) [Hindi + Telugu] WeB-DL 1080p x264 [2.6GB]