Summary: It follows the journeys of three cousins, Shikhar, Ladli, and Bajrang, as they navigate their adventures, dreams and self-discovery in Mumbai. The story revolves around Ladli's troubled marr... Read all
Yaariyan 2 – It follows the journeys of three cousins, Shikhar, Ladli, and Bajrang, as they navigate their adventures, dreams and self-discovery in Mumbai. The story revolves around Ladli’s troubled marriage to Abhay, her uncovering of his past love story, and their subsequent divorce. Simultaneously, Bajju experiences heartbreak in his pursuit of love, while Shikhar, facing a ban..
Screenshots: (Must See Before Downloading)
Yaariyan 2 (2023) Hindi Movie 480p V2-HDCAM [550MB]
Yaariyan 2 (2023) Hindi Movie 720p V2-HDCAM x264 [1.2GB]